Since then, we have had two further scans - one last week and one today. At present, the picture still seems to be pretty much the same - there is some improvement in blood flow, but there still appears to be high pressure in the left atrium and at present, the plan remains for comfort care after birth. We are continuing to pray that there will be further improvement and that surgery will become an option (it would still be too early for any surgery to be carried out in any case if Jessica decided to arrive in the next couple of weeks).
Jessica still appears to be coping well - she is certainly very wriggly still and tends to get hiccups quite frequently so all seems to be good on that front. At present, there are no signs that her heart condition is causing her any problems and hopefully this will continue to be the case until she is born. She is also growing well - estimated weight at the moment is about 3lb 1oz.

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