Our beautiful daughter Jessica was born in September 2011 with a severe heart defect called hypoplastic left heart syndrome. This was diagnosed at her 20 week scan and we were initially told that she was unlikely to be suitable for surgery. However, a pioneering in-utero operation at 28 weeks to enlarge a hole in her atrial septum was carried out and she was able to make it to term and get through her first open-heart surgery at just eight hours old. Jessica underwent five more surgeries during her life. Her final surgery - the Fontan procedure - took place in December 2017. She initially made a good recovery but sadly passed away suddenly on 14th April 2018 at the age of 6. This is the story of a little girl whose half a heart overflowed with love. She was, and will forever be, our little miracle and brought joy to all who knew her.

Saturday 23 August 2014

Another good check-up

Jessica had her cardiac check-up yesterday at Oxford and is continuing to do well. Her sats were 77, which is slightly lower than they have been at home but still within her normal limits and there were no concerns raised from her echo. She is growing well - now 86.7cm tall and weighing in at 12.9kg, putting her just below the 2nd centile for height and staying on the 25th centile for weight. The plan is for another check-up in December. With regards to her next stage operation, there will need to be another cardiac catheter beforehand to check how Jessica's pulmonary vessels are growing but no plans for any surgery before 2015. Ideally, Jessica would be over 15kg before her next stage and if she continues along her current weight centile, that won't happen before she turns 4 so we are hoping that it will be at least another year before she needs any more surgery.

Jessica's eye-check up earlier this month also went well - she still has a squint in both eyes but neither eye is dominant (which is a good thing) and the glasses are helping and her vision is good with them so the plan is for another check-up in six months.

We have been continuing to get out and about over the summer, having found some more book benches (bringing the total up to 35 out of 50), spent lots of time visiting family and doing the Gruffalo trail and a treasure hunt with Auntie Fizz, Ebony and Erin and just generally enjoying the summer.

Jessica's journey has also featured in the summer issue of Heartline Families magazine.

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