Jessica is six months old today! She is doing well with her weight – now up to 5400g (11lb 14oz) which is fabulous. We started weaning her today and tried giving her a little bit of baby rice which she was very unimpressed about although she has taken well to drinking milk out of a sippy cup.
We were in Southampton over the weekend as it was the 10th anniversary ball for StageSoc – the backstage society which we were founder members of – on Saturday night. Jessica is the first StageSoc baby and got quite a lot of attention and cuddles which she seemed to enjoy.
Sunday afternoon found us back on Ocean Ward briefly as Jessica had a bit of a chesty cough and we were a little concerned about it. Fortunately all was well when she was checked over and her lungs sounded clear so hopefully this will clear up by itself. She is still a bit chesty but generally seems well in herself and happy – apart from when her gums are bothering her as she seems to be teething at the moment.
Jessica seems to be enjoying going to various baby groups and is starting to laugh more now which is just delightful. She continues to be a wonderfully happy baby and a huge blessing to us each and every day.
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