She is still feeding with shields and having Infatrini by bottle as a top-up but has now started to regain weight again and was back up to 4950g (10lb 14oz) yesterday which we were very relieved about.
This week, Jessica has learned to grab her toes and pull her socks off so keeping her feet warm is going to become more of a challenge! Being able to reach her toes is also helping her with trying to roll. Although she did manage to roll a few weeks back, it seems that this was perhaps a bit of a fluke as she is only just managing to roll from her back onto her side when she is on the activity mat. She is sitting in the Bumbo much better now and is also able to go in the baby sling facing forward which she is much happier with – she likes to look around at everything. It is wonderful to watch her developing more and more as she discovers more about the world around her.
Magical days... I wish I could reach to remove my socks as easily!