Jessica is gradually putting on weight – now up to 5120g (11lb 4oz) and is continuing to follow the 0.4th centile line. As she has had no symptoms of reflux since her feeding tube was removed, her reflux medication has been reduced and hopefully will be stopped altogether in a couple of weeks’ time.
We have had quite a sociable week – going out for dinner to celebrate Grandma’s birthday, going to the Pastiche Musical Theatre Group quiz night and going to a couple of baby groups. It has been lovely to start socialising more with other mums and babies and Jessica seems to be enjoying it. We started Tiny Talk baby signing classes last week – so far we have been practising the signs for milk, nappy and medicine which are the three signs which are likely to be used most at the moment!
Grandma is still receiving donations to Little Hearts Matter as a result of her birthday and these are now up to £765 which is fabulous – thank you once again to everyone for their generosity.