Nanny came to stay for a few days which was fabulous – she enjoyed having lots of cuddles with Jessica and magically made the ironing pile disappear and a pile of freshly ironed clothes appear which made Louise very happy! Auntie Loraynne, Auntie Maxine and Auntie Twinny also visited as did our friend Sarah, who got to finally meet Jessica.
Jessica is continuing to gain weight – now up to 3440g (7lb 9oz) and she also slept through the night for the first time which was very impressive! She is starting to grow out of her small baby clothes and filling out the newborn ones a little more.
We will be heading to Southampton tomorrow as Michael is involved in setting up sound and lighting for a fundraiser concert there and so we will be staying with friends before going to the hospital on Sunday morning ready for the catheter procedure. We will keep you updated over the next few days as to how we get on. As the next step approaches, we are finding ourselves getting a little more anxious and praying very hard that Jessica will cope well with this next procedure and that the news will be encouraging.
She looks so much like Michael in the 'sleeping' photo and I can't believe how much she's grown! Will be thinking of you as the next steps come closer. Big hugs Geri & Matt x