At present, as far as we know, the Southampton team are still willing to consider attempting surgery after Jessica is born. We are due to have another scan later this week in Southampton and to meet the team there so that this option can be discussed further with them. We have been advised by Dr Manning (our cardiac consultant in Oxford) not to raise our hopes too high – the odds of Jessica being suitable for post-birth surgery are still fairly low due to the severity of her heart condition. At the moment, we are just thankful that it is still considered to be a possible option although as the due date gets nearer and nearer, we are feeling a little more anxious about where this journey will lead us.

On the plus side, Jessica still appears to be coping well with everything and we got to see her little face on scan today which was just amazing. We will update again after our appointment with the Southampton team.
My heart goes out to all 3 of you, lots of love Brian x