Sunday, 29 April 2012
A much happier little Jessica
Friday, 27 April 2012
More steps in the right direction
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Going back up to Ocean Ward
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Morphine withdrawal
Monday, 23 April 2012
Off the ventilator
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Another settled day
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Staying stable
Friday, 20 April 2012
A bit of a bump in the night
The chest X-ray did show that her chest was a little clearer and the left lung more open although there are still a lot of secretions in the top of the right lung. The plan is for Jessica to stay on the ventilator over the next couple of days so that she doesn’t have to work too hard with her breathing and she will continue to have physio and suction. A recent specimen has shown that the parainfluenza is still present and it will just take time for her to get through this infection.
Thankfully after the excitement of this morning, today has been a fairly stable day. Jessica has remained sedated and on the ventilator and her observations have generally been within the expected ranges.
Thursday, 19 April 2012
A step in the right direction!
As Jessica was due to go to theatre around lunchtime and was needing quite a lot of oxygen, the team felt that it was safer to reintubate her on PICU prior to going to theatre. Louise has been present a couple of times when Jessica has been intubated and felt quite comfortable to stay; however it took a little longer to intubate this time and Jessica’s sats dropped quite low before the ventilator was in place which caused quite a lot of anxiety. Thankfully they did go back up quite quickly but on reflection, perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to stay and watch!
As Jessica is very good at ‘losing’ her cannulas, the team decided to put a PICC line in for the IV antibiotics as this would last longer but this proved to be quite difficult and so she had a central venous line put in instead.
Nanny arrived just before Jessica was due to go off to theatre and managed to see her for a little while before she went off to theatre. An hour later, she was back on PICU and we had some positive news at last. The wound infection appears to be superficial – there are no signs of infection in the sternum and so she didn’t need to have the vac pump after all. The team had just cleaned her wound and replaced the dressing.
However, a chest X-ray prior to going to theatre has shown that Jessica’s left lung has collapsed again and she has a lot of secretions on her chest as a result of the parainfluenza which have required quite a lot of physio and suctioning and has also meant that her oxygen saturation levels are a little on the lower side. The plan for tonight is to keep her on the ventilator so that she can continue to have physio and suction to help clear her lungs.
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Awaiting another trip to theatre
We have also moved beds to the other side of the unit to the ‘infections’ side – we were in a corner bed away from the other beds to avoid transmitting paraflu to the children and babies coming out of surgery but this has been on the ‘clean’ side of PICU and as the unit is getting busy, this bed was needed and so we were on the move again! We were concerned at first about any potential risk of Jessica getting yet another infection but have been reassured that the other child near her also has paraflu so this shouldn’t be a problem.
The antibiotics that Jessica is on have also resulted in her having a very nasty-looking nappy rash which has turned out to be thrush and so she is now also on nystatin drops and has canestan cream to treat that – poor little love! She has also had several attempts to have cannulas put in today as she is so wriggly that the ones she has don’t seem to last very long – not very helpful when on IV antibiotics!
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Another infection

Other than the infection, Jessica has had a fairly good day and has been much more settled. She is still working quite hard with her breathing but this gradually seems to be improving and the amount of oxygen that she is on has been reduced. Her sats also seem to be a little higher today. She still feels quite warm, but her temperature has stayed normal and she is taking her Monogen feeds well by bottle so that is all quite positive. She also had a visit in the evening from Uncle Adrian and Auntie Julie.
Monday, 16 April 2012
Battling the bugs

Jessica had a few more moments of being interested in her toys, what was going on around her and pulling Daddy’s nose although was a bit overtired during the day and not really wanting to sleep very much, although she did settle quite well by bedtime. She also seemed to be working hard with her breathing and felt quite warm although her temperature was normal. She had another chest X-ray in the morning and all looked fine on this which was quite reassuring. Her oxygen saturation levels have also been a little better today.
She had a visit from Nanny, Auntie Loraynne and Auntie Maxine in the afternoon and then later in the day, Dr Archer and Dr Manning from Oxford also popped in to say hello as they had their big team meeting in Southampton.
Sunday, 15 April 2012
A stable day
Her oxygen saturation levels have remained on the low side throughout the day and she is still breathing fairly rapidly but as things have been stable, the team decided just to observe for today and to do another chest X-ray tomorrow (particularly as she has had quite a lot of chest X-rays in the last couple of days). Her lungs both sound like there is good air entry and so the extra work with breathing may just be due to the paraflu virus.
We had some more time with her out of the cot for cuddles this afternoon which has been lovely and Grandma and Grandad came to visit in the evening and had a little bit of time with Jessica before she settled down to sleep. As she had been so awake and overtired, she was given a sedative to help her get a good night’s sleep tonight.
Another rollercoaster day
We got to have a few cuddles whilst we were waiting for the doctors to come and remove the chest drains which eventually happened in the early evening. Jessica was still having to work hard with her breathing afterwards, needing increasing amounts of oxygen to maintain her saturations. A chest X-ray showed that she had another pneumothorax (air in the lung cavity) – this time there was a significant pocket of air around her right lung and a smaller one in the left side.
The team decided that they would pass a needle into Jessica’s chest and aspirate the air out of the right side. They managed to remove a reasonable amount of air (25ml) although Jessica’s sats were still on the lower side and she was having to work a little harder with her breathing. A further chest X-ray showed that the situation on the right side had improved and the lung expanded and the left side was no worse than before. Since the air pocket on the left side is smaller and harder to reach (as well as close to her heart) they decided not to try and remove the air this side. Jessica’s blood gases have been fine showing that she is getting sufficient blood flow and the lungs are working well enough, so the doctors have decided that they will leave her alone for now and observe overnight in the hope that the extra air on the left side will reabsorb. Potentially she may need to be put back on the ventilator and have another chest drain put in but we are hoping that things will stabilise again overnight.
It seems strange compared to previous operations that she is so awake so soon after the surgery but she is so much more expressionate these days. Her big sad eyes sum everything up and she looks up at you to say she is fed up and poorly. However, at least she hasn’t suffered any morphine withdrawal so she hasn’t exhibited abnormal behaviour and appears to be sleeping okay, just the permanent look of weariness. An attempt to cheer her with some of her toys was mildly successful tonight. She showed some interest for a few minutes but then it was a bit much and she was beginning to get agitated so we let her rest.
Friday, 13 April 2012
PICU ups and downs
The sample came back positive for paraflu, a cold/flu-type virus, which we suspect was shared by Louise who has had a fairly heavy cold over the last week or so. Thankfully though, Jessica’s temperature has now come back down and whilst she still needs to have regular suctioning to remove the secretions, she doesn’t seem to be too unwell as a result of this and hopefully this will continue to be the case. It did mean that we had a little move across PICU into a single bay in the corner though.
Jessica has also had one of her chest drains removed today and had some time out of the cot having a lovely cuddle with Mummy which was great. She has been a little more awake today and starting to show a little interest in what is going on around her so seems to be feeling a little better than she has been. She is also off the morphine and seems much more settled generally.
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Back on PICU
However, as the day wore on, her saturation levels continued to fluctuate and she seemed much less comfortable than she had been. The consultant from PICU came back up to assess and a second chest X-ray showed that Jessica’s left lung had collapsed and so the decision was made to head back down to PICU so that Jessica could be sedated and put back on the ventilator to help her with her breathing as she was clearly having to work quite hard.
So we are back down on PICU again with Jessica now on the ventilator and things are currently stable. She has had another chest X-ray and the lung looks better so the plan is for a quiet night, keeping Jessica sedated and stable and then see how things are in the morning.
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
A quick stay on PICU
Having woken up thoroughly by late evening, it looked like the night staff were going to be in for a long night as Jessica was very, very restless and much more aware of all the drains and tubes that were coming out of her than she had been the last time, which was making her very cross. She was clearly quite tired but the attempts to try and soothe her were only partially successful. She eventually managed an hour here and there of drug-induced sleep but by morning, her little eyes were very red from all the constant rubbing making her look a little like a panda.
We discovered during the morning that slipping an arm under her head to make her feel like she was being cuddled worked really well to settle her and by the afternoon she was much more settled. Her central line was removed and as things were stable, the team on PICU were happy for her to be transferred up to Ocean Ward by evening which was much sooner than we had anticipated – well done Jessica!
However, it seems that the chylothorax (the leaky lymphatic duct) which she had after the last surgery has returned once again which is a bit of a shame. It means that Jessica has to have Monogen again rather than breast milk and so Louise is back to expressing in the hope that Jessica can go back to mummy milk at some point in the future. On the plus side, so far she has been taking this by bottle and we are hoping that she will continue to do so and that her feeding tube can be removed sooner rather than later.
At present, she still has several chest drains in place and is on morphine but is much more settled than she was last night so hopefully she will have a better night tonight. Her observations have been fairly stable and she seems to be doing well – let’s hope this continues to be the case!
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Another step taken!
Mr Haw has just been up to Ocean Ward to let us know that Jessica’s latest surgery has been successful. However, the pressures in her pulmonary arteries are a little on the higher side and the team are concerned that she has grown extra blood vessels around her lungs (known as collaterals) as a response to having lower oxygen saturations which may be causing this increased pressure. If she doesn’t progress as well as they would like during the rest of today and overnight then it may be that she will need to have a cardiac catheter procedure done during the next 24-48 hours to place coils inside these extra blood vessels to block them off.
She is being transferred down to PICU at the moment and we are hoping to be able to see her at some point in the next hour or so. Thank you so much to everyone who has been keeping our little miracle in their thoughts and prayers – we have been so blessed to be able to take another step forward in Jessica’s journey today.